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Când creierul se-nfundă cu propagandă-spam, murat într-o acreală mascată de-aspartam, mă simt şi eu imundă şi zilnic storc, cu graţie, din jegul ce ne-abundă, câte-o elucubraţie. 10 motive sa NU tii post. Sa sugi pula de ziua ta. Bah, nu sti sa scri! Cura de slabire is my name. Cura de slabire care functioneaza fara foame. Un proiect de hotarare foarte prost.
Dezertand, nu vom colabora la pieirea neamului nostru . Ce este lectura critica? A citi inseamna a gandi.
You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. Joi, 26 martie 2009. Pun mai jos un comentariu adaugat de un anonim. Dupa parerea mea este o abordare destul de interesanta a crestinismului. Omul Iisus şi-a început misiunea cînd avea în jur de 30 de ani. Om fără carte, aşa cum se spune în Biblie, era totuşi proficient în regulile iudaice bazate pe Vechiul Testament şi pe alte scrieri de la acea vreme. Treptat omul Iisus a format în jurul lui un.
Celebrating the positive sides of atheism. My name is Mike, and after many years of encounters with religious people, some nice and some not, Ive discovered that an awful lot of religious people seem to think that atheists are an angry, bitter lot. In fact, they seem to think that were bitter and angry at God. Which doesnt make a whole lot of sense. How can we be angry at someone that we dont believe exists at all? Why do they think this? 12 Benefits of Atheism.
At HAF we know that atheists are often happy ethical people just like anyone else. It is our goal to help dissolve negative stereotypes currently held towards atheists and facilitate productive dialogue with those of differing viewpoints. But the happiness of an atheist is neither the vacuous enjoyment of a fool, nor the short-lived pleasure of a rogue. It is rather the expression of a disposition that has ceased to torture itself with foolish fancies, or perplex itself with useless beliefs.
God breathed Day dreaming writer Intent on planting seeds of love Desiring to live life beautifully and slowly. Thursday, 14 July 2016. Together the loneliness dissipated and the need to understand the greater purpose no longer seemed quite so important. 8221; Lach sleepily murmured. 8220;Oh, sorry babe, what is t.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013. That has always been one of those unclear scriptures but I have been listening to a series of sermons by John MacArthur that shed new light and decided to read it again this morning. I do know that they become like who. In faith, in love, in sanctity and in self-restraint. Growing in love for me m.