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Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Katagam. During the last one year, Guru would have been beneficial to your interests. Career, Profession or Business would have seen favourable wind. But for the unfavourable effects of Paada Sani, things would have moved in the right direction. You might have had a free flow of finance, a cordial - but compelling atmosphere in work place, happy family situations.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Meenam. Last one year might not have been that bad. Here and there problems should have showed up quiet frequently. Not bad and not good status will be right a right description of your last year. Personal respect and credibility would have made some hard feelings in the past one year. All the wound and scar is going to vanish in thin air. There is going to be some Subha Karya in the family during this period. This will add to your cheers and that of.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Mesham. Until Lord Guru was in Makaram, you should have met paining experiences. For the rest of the year, it has been a testing time. Some people might have even lost their jobs. Some people in business might have even had the bitter experience of pulling down the shutters. With Sani in the 6th house and Guru in the 11.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Dhanusu. Guru in the 2nd house should have kept you in a better position last year - but for Sani in the 10th house and Raahu Kethu in the Janma Raasi and 7th houses respectively. Some people would have been displaced from job and some would have faced reduction in rank and remuneration. The present Guru Peyarchi is not going to bring in any relief to the already straining conditions. Now, Guru loses that strength. A tough time is seen around.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Kanni. Guru was in the 5th house giving some remarkable advantage during one part of last year. Things would have been smooth going - though with Sani and Raahu Kethu in uncomfortable positions. It has been Sirasu Sani until last September 2009 and now Janma Sani. Some people would have had a step further and would have gained some fortunes also.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Kumbam. Now you are going to experience something different and something perhaps in a diagonally opposite direction. A real tough time is ahead of you this year. Finances that have been quite easy to handle last year will gradually get to tighten. It will be difficult to mobilize money for the next one year. You would have planned a good way around last year and would have created some serious liabilities on a long term plan. You will find a reversal in.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Makaram. Guru was in your Janma Raasi until now. This could have caused some unfavourable changes in your position. It might have had an impact on your self esteem in some cases. There could have been some reversions in your status. Progress in life would have been dull. Some unwanted and uncalled for differences and disputes would have taken a stake on your image. Now Guru is coming to a brighter part. Over all finance will be very comfortable.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Midhunam. It was Ashtama Guru on one side frying your economies and Sani in the 3rd house providing support for your survival. It appeared to be good going on certain thing. In the end of the day, the whole effort would have been a futile attempt in the absence of adequate finance. The loss was not only money - but as well it stood on your credibility and reputation. Inflow of guests were high for no reason - but just to dry your purse and resources.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Rishabham. The past one year ought to have been good for you to a reasonably some extent. Though Arthashtama Sani would have given you a lot of stress and sufferings, Guru in the 9th house would have provided relief to a large extent. Financial stress had been thee and they were well within your manageable limits. Healthcare expenses would have mounted in the family and somehow you were able to tackle it,. It was tough - and yet manageable.
Saturday, November 21, 2009. Guru Peryarchi 2009 - Simham. With Guru in the Roha Sthanam - the 6th place - and with Janma Sani and Paada Sani between September and now, it should have been a tough period during the last one year. Health might have been a problem. Official life was rather threatening. Some people would have even lost their positions or even their jobs altogether. In Kumbam, the tenure left for Guru is just over one month and he is going to be back in your 8th hous.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Shekar Dattatri, Wildlife and Conservation Filmmaker, captured this with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50 non SLR digital camera. Thursday, January 22, 2009. This is the YouTube link for the TATA Safari Commercial. Tuesday, December 2, 2008.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019. Collections of proverbs or Siddhuverbs called Slangs of Siddhu is right here. Eventhough, I can publish the slangs of siddhu in my funblog. I wish to dedicate a separate blog for Mr. Siddhu as a mark of respect for the SLANGS of SIDDHU. Enjoy every bit of siddhuism and add if you come across anything left here.
Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Staying in Chennai, to reach you people.