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El viernes pasado escuchaba de pasada este programa en la radio. Inevitable emocionarse con algunos testimonios, recordando en paralelo, como nuestros padres también se esforzaron mucho en darnos y avivar año a año, la ilusión de la noche de Reyes. Ahora que nuestras pequeñas ya tienen edad para enterarse de estas cosas, nos toca a nosotros esa tarea. Y creo que de momento, lo estamos consiguiendo. 1 de enero de 2013.
Auta wyprawowe, organizacja wyjazdów, wyposażenie. An authentic pursue for simplicity. Naprawa aut terenowych i motocykli, klasyki. Mechanika silnikowa, elektryka, zawieszenia. Przygotowanie aut do wypraw i zawodów offroad. Zawieszenia, elektryka, wyposażenie. Organizacja szkoleń i wypraw terenowych i nie tylko. Samochodowe i nie tylko - zerknij tutaj.
Pictures from Eh Htu Hta. Ee Htu Hta IDP children how they go to school and how they live. Her style of eating with smiling face. I took this training because I never get the training of how to use digital camera and how to take photos.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009. New shirts, toothbrushes, toothpaste and rain. Kids playing in the mud. Tuesday, January 27, 2009. Teacher is happy to get new shirts. 1,000 students with new shirts. Dau Wah sent these pictures of kids she sees in her travels on both sides of the border.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011. The student becomes the teacher. Der Lweh Htoo was one of the first 5 students the MY STORY photo project worked with in 2006. Since then he has continued to send us his photos of his work for the Karen Youth Organization inside Burma. In 2010, after taking the MY STORY teacher trainin, he ran his first solo photo workshop at Ei Tu Hta IDP camp. Currently he is running a photo workshop for KYO committee members.
Paw Bu la ta area. I took this training because I would like to help my mother and father in their work. MY STORY photo project association.