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All visits are available by appointment only. For more information or consider our FAQ. We currently have two separate cattery. We always willing and available to speak to potential owners of our Sphynx kittens. Along with numerous pictures and photos of our adult cats there are also weekly pictures of each kitten posted on pet classifieds.
Grad Gospić, u skladu s Uredbom Vlade Republike Hrvatske o kriterijima, mjerilima i postupcima financiranja i ugovaranja programa i projekata od interesa za opće dobro koje provode udruge, nakon usvajanja proračuna Grada Gospića od strane Gradskog vijeća te donošenja Izmjene Godišnjeg plana raspisivanja javnih poziva Grada Gospića za sufinanciranje programa, projekata i manifestacija koje provode udruge za 2018.
We at Nexus Infratech are unfolding the new era in roofing technology. The new age Robust roofing is Notably SAFE, Remarkably DURABLE, Comfortably INSTALLABLE and Definitely ELEGANT than the traditional roofing. Now, the roofing of Industrial Sheds, Factories, Warehouses, Airport Hangers, Processing Units, Defence and Agriculture Buildings is no more a hassle or a month long process.