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Proiektua egitasmoak, gizartearen eta hiriguneak aberasten dituzten elementuen artean benetako lotura sortu nahi du, hiritarrak espazio publikoaren jabe eginez. Hiriko zuhaitzen aitabitxi edo amabitxi era bolondres batean bilakatzea du helburu egitasmoak, non onurak bi aldeek jasoko dituzten, hiriguneko zuhaitzek batetik, eta Donostiako gizarteak bestetik. 1884ko idazki honetan figura geometrikoen hiri eta bizimoduak azaltzen dizkigu. Harrigarria da nola garai h.
La Petizione Neopagana è nata dalla collaborazione tra Associazione Italus. Detto questo, non riteniamo abbia più senso portare avanti questo progetto. ARTISTI CHE SUPPORTANO LA PETIZIONE.
I am a Year 5 student. I am in Rimu Hub. Monday, November 21, 2016. This is my art that we had to do, I was doing sketching. I only just started - does it look cool to you? I think it does. I had to look at the things very close so I knew what to draw. Write a comment if you think it is good. Monday, November 21, 2016. Wednesday, November 9, 2016. This my my maths task we had to work out the problem and try to get how much change you get when you spend some money.