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A central point of contact for lovers of Golden Retrievers living in Mauritius. Pedigree dog theft in Mauritius. Pedigree dog theft is on the hike in Mauritius and it is now a primary objective of the club to try to discourage the purchase of pedigree dogs from any breeder who has not registered with the FCC. 8226; Certify all pedigree matings with the FCC. 8226; Micro-chip your dog.
Golden Retriever Puppies for Sale. Zoetje Aucamp has been breeding Golden Retrievers. She also breeds Labrador Retrievers. Best known for their intelligence and ability to work as guide dogs for the blind and as helper aid dogs, Golden Retrievers. Are one of the most popular family dogs as they are easy to handle, very tolerant, and normally very happy and friendly. Golden Retrievers are compatible with children and adults and are good with other dogs, cats and most livestoc.
A golden retriever kiváló játszótársa gyermekünknek, kitűnő apporthajlama révén lelkesen visszahozza az eldobott labdát, játékot vagy bármi mást. Könnyen nevelhető, kedves, türelmes, alkalmazkodó és nagyon megbízhatóan viselkedik gyerekekkel szemben. Golden retriever, a vadászkutya. Kiskutyák születtek az Erdőskerti Kennelben - Vidra and Borisz.
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