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Poems and Prayers of a Pilgrim in Sneakers. Prayer For Loved Ones Far Away, June 9. PRAYER FOR LOVED ONES FAR AWAY. Lord God, and Father in Heaven,. I ask Your blessing on kindred. And to watch over my household.
Advice To An Art Teacher. Printable Watercolor Painting Worksheet Green Tree. This is a simplified version of how to paint a green tree in summer. The project uses a limited choice in colors to make it an ideal project for the beginner. In this approach we use wet washes and then follow up with dry brush technique for detail. Printable How To Paint A Green Tree Worksheet. LET IT DRY BEFORE YOU DO THE SECOND WASH. Use a smaller brush, and not so much water.
To Thank God For His Many Blessings. Short post about being thankful and the positive effects of gratitude in our lives. How The Big Boss Made Me Thankful Today. It is not hard work and except for the occasional gremlin in the machinery it is mostly easy. Why I am Thankful to .
Jesus And The Plan of Salvation. A blog for those seeking to understand what the Bible teaches about how to go to Heaven and to be saved from the judgment of our sins. Does Jesus Want To Fill My Life With Boring Rules? So is Jesus all about following rules and commandments to have a life of guilt and no fun? But that is not what the Bible says. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Jesus valued love above rules.
The Poor Miners And The Mountain Riches. This is an illustration of the value of searching the Bible for the riches of its teachings. Too often we just glance at its pages and read a chapter in haste but there are treasures if we take time and effort to mine them.
What Does The Bible Say About Money And Wealth. Advice from the Bible on how to handle money. Once or twice a week I research the teaching from the Bible on money and post a short teaching to help others. How To Get A Guaranteed Reward For What You Do. We all want to get rewarded for our work but can we really get ahead at any cost, and if so what kind of profit will it be? A wicked person earns deceptive wages, but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.
Forbidden Poetry Of The Fallen Muse. My free style poems are short and full of imagery, metaphor and allegory. I write of faith, love, and the struggles between the ideal and our inner personal dystopia. Some are very simple but many have multiple meanings and interpretations. I hope you enjoy them. SHADOWMAN, A POEM OF MARRED IMAGES. I hope it gives you something to think about and inspires. A Poem Of Marred Images. He stands in the shadows. By the grey pipes and the brick wall,.
Stardiver Four is a science fiction blog novel about a spaceship out of control, rebel pirates, a boy and a dog. STARDIVER FOUR, CHAPTER 50 ROOMMATES. This is a chapter of the science fiction blog novel, Stardiver Four. In the story so far Tom has gotten left behind when the ship surrendered to the pirates and the crew was evacuated. Tom was forced to join the pirates and serves Captain Stone as cabin boy.
The Lost Poems Of The Unworthy Pilgrim. These are poems of faith and hope, and the inner struggles we all face as we progress toward becoming people of virtue and nobility. I pray that my poor writings inspire and bless others. Tuesday, January 03, 2017. IT IS NOT AN EASY SOLUTION, A POEM ABOUT SACRIFICIAL GRACE. It Is Not An Easy Solution. A Poem About Sacrificial Grace. If He forgave all sin. Then He would share in their sin.
Это слово Господа о Странах, городах, поселках и другом. То что есть или исполнится, или может исполниться. Это слово Господа лично Вам. Также Вы можете получить WMR-бонус в размере 0,01-0,10 WMR на свой кошелек 1 раз в сутки.
God loves you As You ARE. God loves you as you are. Indeed, Abba loves you immensely. God invites you to love yourself and others unconditionally. As a human person, we need to love and be loved. That is the major parts of our need. You have friends and families whom you love. You want to give and receive love. Most people love you on conditions. You may do the same, but God loves you unconditionally. Do you see the picture of Christ hanging on the cross? .
Journeying through a Life of Grace with God in Jesus Christ. Church Offers Help and Hope in Fight Against Opiate Addiction. Reports that 144 people died in the United States every day in 2016 from a drug overdose. Elaine Georgas moderated the town hall meeting. Georgas moderated a town hall meeting at Lorain Faith UMC. Pastor Karen Hollingsworth welcomed community members to Lorain Faith UMC.
My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Monday, January 14, 2008. In the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelled. What does this entail for us? And they cried .