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This Document contains offensive language. If you are easily offended. ACP - Armadyll Chest Plate. AFK - Away From Keyboard. AGS - Armadyll God Sword. B2P - Bones To Peaches. BBL - Be Back Later. BBS - Be Back Soon. BCP - Bandos Chest Plate. BDR - Burgh De Rott. BGS - Bandos God Sword. BBIAF - Back In a Few. BRB - Be Right Back.
This page will contain one play list for each member of GKSC. Playlists are to contain no more than 50 songs, and only one playlist each. Please send you lists as an E-mail to my msn address. I do not accept files of any description so please write your list out in the E-mail instead of sending it as an attachment. The aims of this is to;. BBC Radio 1 - UK.
Make a note of who attends,. Feed the information from each event to me as soon as is practicible so i can update the scoreboard. Man Of The Match Awards.
BBC Radio 1 - UK. BBC Radio 2 - UK. Various Radio Stations - UK. Wherever You Are The Military Wives. Bring our Troops Home! CONGRATULATIONS DEMONKING 17 - On your Landmark Leveling! Tyfoon 90 - Can i have a lift to work please? Grats Tyfoon 90 on 98 Fletching. CONGRATULATIONS DEMONKING 17 - 99 FM. Lancerlotte vs Demontank666 - Boxing Match. Bob134552 Playing in the Duel Arena.
Any other information that could benefit another GKSC Member. Wear your Clan Cape! Help and Advise fellow GKMs, we are all on the same team.
Clan Rules and Allocating Ranks. I was aware of this since the RS Ranks System was updated, but never got around to it. A new, and up to date Clan Structure has been drawn up.
Keep track of your Clan Status. If your name is not on the list and wish it to be added please contact a GKE. Information on this list may become out of date, please understand that it is hard to update this list often. On this list, there are only names for those who have permitted us to publish their names. This is not all of our member base and does not include any GKA Members.
If you apply in game, your application will be processed a lot quicker. I look forward to meeting you in game. CHECK BACK ON YOUR APPLICATION. By checking back on your application, you will not miss the chance you make a note of your membership number.
This is the time that GrailKnights operates by. Type your text here! Powered by mobile-translator. Clicking this picture will direct you to our recruitment thread. What level Clue Scrolls Do They Drop? Online Poker - a break from Runescape. Search Runescape Forums for - Grailknights.
Thursday, 6 September 2007. Please use your Runescape2 name in the Shout Box else your access to it will be removed. We prefer to know who we are speaking to. Use this Shout Box to converse with all members that are willing to disclose their RS identities. Use this Shout Box to leave Suggestions for the GKEC. Thanks, i hope this enables GK Members to meet and chat more effectively.
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Make a note of who attends,. Feed the information from each event to me as soon as is practicible so i can update the scoreboard. Man Of The Match Awards.
Gray Krauss Stratford Sandler Des Rochers LLP. Gray Krauss Stratford Sandler Des Rochers LLP, originally founded in 1998, is a full service entertainment law firm concentrating in film, television, music and intellectual property. FILM TELEVISION MUSIC NEW MEDIA.
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