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Dutch - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Demetra met de Olympiërs uit de sterrenstad Phoenix op 28 juni 2012. Op dit moment willen wij degenen opnieuw verzekeren die ondubbelzinnig ons en ons werk ondersteunen, van dat wij hen kennen en de nodige maatregelen hebben genomen voor hun bescherming op alle niveaus.
German - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. Danke an ALLE Lichtarbeiter! Regenbogen des Dankes und des Schutzes. Die Olympier und Intergalaktische Föderation des Lichts von der Sternenstadt Phoenix. Der Kampf von Salamis 480 b. Diesen Post per E-Mail versenden. Die Olympier und die Aufgestiegenen Meister der Intergalaktischen Föderation der Lichts. Eine bewusstere und gemeinschaftliche Reaktion der .
Bulgarian - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Πέμπτη, 10 Μαΐου 2012. Олимпийците и Възнесените Майстори от Междугалактическата Федерация на Светлината, 9 май 2012г. Ние очакваме вие да действате колективно. Изразете ясното си намерение и изискайте безвъзвратно правото си на свободна воля, за да изпрати.
Chinese - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. The Olympians and Ascended Masters from the Intergalactic Federation of Light, May 9th, 2012.
Croatian - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Olimpijci i Uzašli Majstori Intergalaktičke Federacije Svjetla, 09.
French - The 12 Olympians with GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Les Olympiens et la Fédération Intergalactique de la Lumière de la cité des étoiles Phoenix, le 26 mai 2012. The battle of Salamis, 480 b. Les Olympiens et le Conseil Central de la Fédération Galactique de Lumière, 29 Avril 2012. Temple of Apollon at Delphi, Greec. Salutations de la Fédération Galactique de la Lumière,.
Italian - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Gli Olympians e i Maestri Ascesi della Federazione Galattica di Luce, 9 Maggio 2012. Ci aspettiamo che agiate collettivamente. Esprimete la vostra chiara intenzione e esigete il vostro diritto al libero arbitrio irrevocabilmente, al fi.
Japanese - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. Temple of Apollon at Delphi, Greece.
Spanish - THE 12 OLYMPIANS WITH GFL. When you govern, take care so that your actions will be a jewel. Πέμπτη, 10 Μαΐου 2012. Los Olímpicos y los Maestros Ascendidos de la Federación Intergaláctica de Luz, 09 de mayo 2012.
Portuguese - The 12 Olympians with GFL. Sábado, 21 de julho de 2012. Os Olimpianos da Cidade Estrela Fénix, Junho 28, 2012. Saudações da secção central de informação e observação da Cidade Estrela Fénix, que protege a área de energia da Grécia, sempre com a presença dos 12 seres Olimpianos altamente evoluídos. Chegamos para continuar a nossa mensagem anterior, que está a ser totalmente confirmada pelos acontecimentos.
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