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Saturday, October 23, 2010. 150M and 300M internal battle cost the king. If the wireless network in the world is divided into two halves, half of which must be as bright as the example of clashes between 3G, while the other half is as quiet as the water gently WiFi. Compared to high-profile 3G, WiFi in the world is always so calm, so the alarm, but that calm does not mean that WiFi in silence, it is ready, waiting for overnight success.
Friday, March 11, 2011. Feb 20 message, the third week in February, the Beijing holly leaf spring Palace Bridge, the United States can be described as lively exception, guests come from far apart to be filled all the hotel rooms. Since February 19, 2009, home appliances to the countryside where the third round of the tender, and had three different, this time to a lot of PC manufacturers.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010. E-cology in the Pan Micro Series 52. If a system can help us put all the things to look for money, and unified place to place, so working together will be a lot easier! This is all the employees are looking forward to it! Portal allows the company to keep operating the way 7 脳 24. Experts explain social engineers most commonly used techniques of deception. 3 The path into const.
Monday, October 25, 2010. Comprehensive interpretation of new accounting standards 2007 seminar held in Xiamen grand. The new release with Chinese characteristics, the new system of accounting and auditing standards, marks the convergence of China and the international practice the formal establishment of the Accounting Standards. The Golden Butterfly walk in front of this reform, many enterprises in Xiamen early interpretation of new accounting standards, and provide a strong support platform.
Friday, October 22, 2010. Cool I am a leading online high quality music box. Online music player sound quality has been mixed. Sound quality on the preference is usually for their users to download high quality music to solve the problem. In terms of online players is not difficult to achieve high sound quality, while still maintaining high-speed audition and not easy to play, cool music box is how I do the coding rate up to 192Kbps while maintaining high-speed file it? 1 High-quality playback test.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010. First, products, technology, business maturity. And Xi pointed out that TD-SCDMA has been basically mature.
Good Basic Or VB Or VB DotNet. Thursday, October 21, 2010. San Yuqin 120 60 Wu Lingling a potential three nee.
Sunday, October 24, 2010. Kanxiang FALSIFYING Blackhand three swords. In short hope Liu Minister pay attention to market management, and can distinguish between the substance and changing commodity source, start from scratch, strict enforcement and implementation of the reward system, in fact, not changing commodity no cure for. Manufacturing integration trend MANUFACTURING and EMS has Approaching. Like Facebook Wants To Rule The World? Operating Principle Of Gray Pigeons.
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