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That list found on ship which Israel attacked. The protests which began in the Middle East and Asia. Turkey is a NATO member and was attacked by a non-member country. Article 5 of NAT says an attack on any member is considered to be an attack on all. Israeli soldiers shooted unarmed people and civilians on international water. Peace shooted with real bullets by israel.
Die Schiffe aus verschiedenen Ländern auf dem Weg nach Gaza sind ein Teil von einer total unbewaffneten humanitären Hilfe. Jene Schiffe sind mit medizinischen Hilfsgütern und Baumaterialien beladen, um Gehäuse zu den Leuten von Gaza umzubauen, dessen Häuser während der Angriffe nach Gaza demoliert wurden. Die Fracht von diesen Schiffen sind unser Anvertrauen und die Freiwilliger des Friedens sind unsere Brüder und Schwestern. Für diese Schiffe konnten Gaz.
إن هذه السفن تحمل معها الأدوية الطبيه التي حرم منها شعب غزة جراء الحصار الإسرائييلي عليها, كما تحمل معها مستلزمات البناء والإعمار للمساعده في بناء ما هدمته الحرب الإسرائيليه في غزة. مايقارب ألف متطوع للدعم الإنساني تحمل مسؤلية إيصال هذه الإحتياجات والمستلزمات الضرورية لأهالي غزة بإسم كل من يؤمن بالسلام والعدالة من المجتمع الدولي. إن هذه السفن ستصل إلى غزه عن طريق مجال المياه الدوليه.
The ships from various countries en route to Gaza are part of a totally unarmed, humanitarian aid effort. Those ships are loaded with medical supplies that the people of Gaza are deprived of because of the blockade, and with construction materials in order to re-build housing to the people of Gaza whose homes were demolished during attacks to Gaza. The load of those ships is entrusted to us and the volunteers of peace are our brothers and sisters .
Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Impact Of Each Vote in Mid-Term Elections. A New Political Chapter for Psychology. Impact Of Each Vote in Mid-Term Elections. What does this mean to you as a voter? Citizenship is a participatory sport. In the game of politics, every movement towards the goal counts. Vote today! Heather Kaiser, Director, APAPO-PAC.
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Please click here to go to the giving page. The Center for Mission Mobilization is a 501c3, non-profit organization, EIN 71-0861654. Our finances are reviewed by an independent board of directors and Capin Crouse, a leader of financial accounting for non-profits and ministries.