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Gassendi 1 is another bisected dome, like the domes located near Rima Birt. The dome has a diameter of 7. It belongs to class C. 2 in the classification scheme of possible lunar intrusive domes.
Herodotus 1, with its moderate to steep slope of 2. 5 km, large edifice volume of 21 cubic km, belongs to class B. 1 of the effusive lunar domes. It is characterized by a shallow vent about 200 m depth and 3 km long. The steep Herodotus 1 dome formed out of lava of high viscosity and over longer period of time than lower class B.
Hyginus region Hyginus 2 dome by Raffaello Lena B.
Kepler 1, with its moderate slope of 1. 5 km, lies in an area of relatively thin lavas fails to completely cover hummocky Imbrian basin ejecta. It is a degraded dome with several craterlets on its summit. The rheologic model indicates a moderate lava viscosity and belongs to class C.