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Friday, December 7, 2012. Time to head back to the US and see if there is anything left there for me. It has really reinforced how bad I am at goodbyes. Sunday, October 21, 2012. Fruit stand on the island. At Koh Samet Jon and I stayed in a little beachside bungalow. For this trip I told Jon I want to just go.
Sunday, June 24, 2007. Sunday, May 06, 2007. Monday, April 23, 2007. Monday, April 16, 2007. Sunday, April 15, 2007. Thursday, April 12, 2007. Monday, April 02, 2007.
Monsters like to watch scary movies in bed. They like to get in chat rooms and watch streams of horror movies from the 80s while they snuggle in their bed. When they are alone in their room in the dark they pull the covers over them to feel safe. Orange chameleon on a match stick. One games and the first rhythm game I ever remember. He was designed by pop artist Rodney Greenblat for Sony.
Friday, April 22, 2011. Saturday, October 30, 2010. This was an awesomely fun collaboration between Animax and OIC, where they got OIC illustrators to interpret several popular animations from Japan.
8230;gleichwohl unsicher, ob er sich zu Wort melden sollte. Mit Frau und Hund beim IKEA. Der Verstand möchte gerne im Småland abgeholt werden. Visiting IKEA with wife and dog. Leave your brain at Småland Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1. Aus der Liste der 100 Sachen, die ich nicht mehr unbedingt machen muss, bevor ich sterbe.
This blog is no longer maintained, to see my up to date sketchbook blog please visit ariosa. If you want to dig through old stuff here feel free. A couple of things I can show that have been previewed. The one on the left is the final art and the one on the right is super secret rejected art. More art from mice and mystics that got previewed. Cover art for mice and mystics for Plaidhat games.
Competion won while working for Arkitektgruppen Holbæk. This project is derived from the surrounding site. I lies on a sloping hill, grows from one point with the same angel in every direction. This gives a spacious development towards the town which the community center wish to approach. A community culture house and library for Brøndby Strand. Sølyst comtemporary art museum Denmark. Made while working for Arkitektgruppen Holbæk - in progress.
Så er vi tilbage fra Malaga, efter en rigtig dejlig ferie. Det er koldt og kedeligt herhjemme og vi vil bare gerne tilbage igen. Vi har bare nydt ferien og ligget ved poolen og været på stranden. Så var vi i Malaga en dag og var ude, at se Gibraltar. Dette er udsigten over poolen fra vores værelse. Og udsigt ud over havet havde vi også. Utrolig smuk udsigt fra Gibraltar. Onsdag, maj 16, 2012.
Er i gang med at rette siden. Forleden ændrede jeg billeder og resultatet var hvor der forsvandt en del billeder på siden.
Det gode billede, er ikke en knap på mit kamera det er en kombination af mine kundskaber og vores kontakt.
Håret har jeg sat op med et almindeligt hårbånd, som jeg har sat ned over hovedet og viklet det hår der stikker ned under, op under elastik-hårbåndet! Det er virkelig nemt, når man først har gjort det en gang! And tagged Empress hair. My time is mine and I know where it goes. But were not always agree. Her er en af mine yndlings room sprays. Den kommer i en skøn blomstret æske! Meget i stil med Marie Antoinette! De fles.