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All items are individually handmade and unique.
All items are individually handmade and unique.
All items are individually handmade and unique.
Our goal is to provide something new and different in our work. Much of our inspiration comes directly from the surrounding area and the life that makes Alaska so special. All items are individually handmade and unique.
All items are individually handmade and unique.
All items are individually handmade and unique.
Welcome to Kaitaia Time Bank! No upcoming events posted. Arts, Crafts and Music. WHAT IS TIME BANKING? Time banking is a way to trade knowledge, skills or services without money being required. Everyones time is valued equally. For every hour you spend doing something for someone else, you earn one credit. When you need something, you can ask any Time Bank member to help you.
Outdoorový klub KR Blansko, o. Děkujeme Městu Blansko, VSK Rájec-Jestřebí, společnosti RAWET, Nadaci pro radost, MO KDU-ČSL Blansko, farnosti sv. Martina, komunitnímu centru Martin i jednotlivým dárcům za podporu naší činnosti s mládeží. S vodáckým a turistickým programem, termín 16. března jsme byli na nové lezecké stěně v Komárově.