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Flea Market Boutique is concept by several designers to create a new trend of shopping experience and varieties of affordable apparels. Flea Market Boutique features an eclectic assortment of apparels, ranging from casual Tees to beautiful vintage dresses; there is truly something for everyone. Flea Market Boutique are currently close for re-allocation to a new store. We shall be re-open after 2 months later in Kota Damansara which we shall update our new store details.
What are in store at the Bazaar? New and 2nd hand items for everyone from. and Come to join the funss. Promotion from 12pm - 4pm.
Flea Market Boutique have dressing tips sessions with our experts. A complete change over with your outlooks? More ideas with your dressing outlooks? What goes well with the other clothings? Come and make an appointment with our experts for a session of dressing tips for free. This is one of the hottest fashion in UK and Europe. Wear can be simple cool. A long top with an interesting legging. Feel free to contact us at.
Click on the picture for more information. Knitted shirt with girl pattern and crystal.
The Foday Suso Quartet performs Foday s innovative original compositions fusing the traditional sounds of the Kora with a variety of Western stylistic music i. Jazz, Caribbean, Funk and Hip-Hop. He is accompanied by, Piano, Cello and Percussion.
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Göngukort FMSV - Eingöngu til endursöluaðila af þessari síðu. Þessi sölusíða er eingöngu ætluð endursöluaðilum. Þegar kortin hafa verið pöntuð þá verður stofnaður greiðsluseðill í gegnum banka á þá kennitölu sem stendur á bak við pöntunina. Hann mun birtast í heimabanka viðkomandi með 1 mánaðar greiðslufresti. Lágmarkspöntun eru 10 kort svo pöntunin fari í afgreiðslu. Sendingarkostnaður greiðist af kaupanda við afhendingu vörunnar af pósthúsi. Smellið hér til að skoða og panta göngukortin.