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Dimecres, 2 de novembre de 2016. 32 Es bo o dolent que no poguem decidir quan morir? Envia per correu electrònic. 30 És possible trobar la pau en un món caòtic? Feta per Didi in Wonderland.
En aquest espai virtual podem compartir les nostres reflexions i aniré penjant articles interessants i algunes de les vostres aportacions! Dijous, 19 de novembre de 2015. Diumenge, 15 de novembre de 2015.
Things I write on performative practices and things I write. Things I wrote about me and how to write to me. Things others wrote about me. The Institute of Political Therapy. Valentina Desideri and Tova Gerge.
Juan Francisco Seguí 3545, piso 4. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Reflection workshop critical thinking and debating. The DOEN foundation visits IBB. Intervention IBB Magazine shares Tilting Axis freshmilkbarbados. Intervening daily Caribbean life with contemporary art. Reflection workshop critical thinking and debating. The majority of students seemed to be pro this statement but failed miserably at defending it.