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淇濆畾绂忚禌閽撮晬鏂版潗鏂欐湁闄愬叕鍙镐綅浜庡彜鍩庝繚瀹氬競 锛屼复杩戜含娲ワ紝浜ら 氬彂杈俱 傛槸涓 瀹堕泦绉戠爺銆佸紑鍙戙 佺敓浜у拰閿 鍞 簬涓 浣擄紝鑷村姏浜庨珮绔 骇鍝佺殑鐮斿彂銆佺敓浜у拰閿 鍞 備富瑕佷骇鍝佷负閽淬 侀晬銆侀晧绛夌洂绫荤殑浜у搧鍜屾棤鏈烘盁鍖栫墿绛夈? 璇氫俊鏄 湰鍏 徃澶氬勾鏉ョ殑涓 璐 畻鏃 紝鍏 徃濮嬬粓鍧氭寔浠ラ珮鍝佽川浜у搧銆佷紭鎯犵殑浠锋牸鍜岃壇濂界殑淇 獕鏈嶅姟浜庡箍澶у 鎴凤紝浠庝笟14骞翠互鏉ワ紝鎴戝叕鍙镐互鑹 ソ鐨勪俊瑾夛紝璧 緱浜嗗箍澶у 鎴凤紝鍥藉唴澶栧 瀹跺ぇ鍨嬪寲宸ュ師鏂欏拰閲戝睘鐩愮被鍒堕 犲晢鐨勬敮鎸佸拰淇 换锛岀幇宸叉嫢鏈夎壇濂界殑閿 鍞 笟缁 佸畬鍠勭殑绠 悊浣撳埗銆侀珮鏁堢殑閿 鍞 洟闃? 鎶 鏈 敮鎸侊細 淇濆畾缃戠粶寤鸿 鍏 徃.
This work is part of an ongoing series about the experience of nuclear landscapes.
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