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Bukan berarti saya nggak pernah rajin olahraga, tapi dari dulu saya kalau lagi rajin olahraga tandanya lagi pengen ngurusin badan. Snow Park Adventure Mall Kelapa Gading.
Sharing Pengalaman mengunjungi Incredible India. 3 Itinerary Alamat Kedutaan India di Jl. S-1 Kuningan Jakarta Selatan,. Pengalaman I ke India tahun 2011. Golden Triangle India New Delhi. The Lotus temple Di antara banyak di landmark-yang dikenali tersebar di seluruh Delhi, Lotus temple benar-benar wonderful.
The journey before and after saying i do. Akhirnya saya bisa move on ke topik lain setelah postingan liburan Jepang selesai. Kali ini mau update cerita aja, soal kerjaan baru saya. Tepatnya akhir November 2017, saya resmi resign dari kantor saya yang terakhir. Keputusan yang cukup berat buat sa.
For whatever we give away, enriches us day by day. TTOV edisi perdana adalah staycation kita di Aston Anyer beberapa waktu lalu.
For only what we give away, Enriches us day by day. April 16, 2015 in Around Me. Posting selengkapnya silahkan klik link ini. Baling Baling Bambu dan Pintu Kemana Saja. April 8, 2015 in Around Me. Another story from my Japan Trip . April 1, 2015 in Around Me. Masih ingat saya punya anak alergi? .
Dikirimkan di Jalan-jalan and Kegiatan. Udah lama banget vakum nulis. Sebelumnya maaf kalo postingan ini agak basi, karena uda dari tahun lalu. Untungnya sekarang jaman sosial media, dimana kita gampang banget kalo mau belajar sesuatu.
I love soup, and it runs in my family. My family has a habit of putting a bowl of clear soup on the dining table since we were young. And last but not least. The key ingredient for this soup is sausages. And I thought that it.
Planted firmly by the water of Life, there are buds of life growing out of the tree. I am the precious bud which will bloom gracefully in Christ, and so you are! Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When The Clock Strikes 12. But being a 28 yo woman now, I have no longer wanted to be Cinderella in a nice dress dancing with her prince charming.
Diary of a sweet tangerine girl. Monday, June 3, 2013.
Upgrade to paid account! Confessions of a Female Mind. A new year, a new story. Goodbye my aunts uncles cousins sisters and brothers. Upgrade to paid account! .
March 30, 2010 by Den Mas. Koran Saya tidak tahu kapan terakhir membaca koran. Namun, sabtu sore kemarin, seorang teman membawa koran Seputar Indonesia, edisi rabu, 24 maret 2010. Lebih-lebih ketika akses berita sudah bisa dibaca dengan perangkat-perangkat mobile. Namun tak urung, koran itu saya baca juga, dibolak balik, lembar demi lembar dan tetap merasa aneh. Ketika terjadi bom di Marriott kurang lebih setahun yang lalu, dan s.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014. Enjoy the ever present game of knowing. A 17 years old college freshman.
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Monday, October 18, 2010. Working with my family is definitely an experience to remember. Thats when we nod or acknowledge them. sometimes we dont even recognise them but we still smile and assume that they must be our customer. but one thing for sure, dont go out on a date at pasir ris or sengkang area! Friday, July 16, 2010. whatelse should i share about? Sunday, July 4, 2010.