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Occasional musings of a skinny kid with big dreams. Tuesday, October 14, 2008. By that point, I had had enough. Then I spent a wee.
Varied the land passing below Many the person come to know A journey outward so it would seem Only the stage for a journey within. Friday, February 27, 2015. Midway through the seminar, we put the students into groups and had them think about the project they might want to create. It took them about five minutes to gather up in their groups outside, as if they were anchored to their seats, and someone had to drag them to work. Do your best, we responded. Do I share my feeling? .
Aurten hautazko ikasgai batean blog hau proiektutzat egin behar izan dugu, gure esparruan gustuko genuen gai bati buruzkoa. Kirola gustuko dudanez gero, dopinga hartu nuen eta horrela sortu dut kirolaetadopinga hau. Betiere gogoraraziko dizut hau ez dela zehazki informazio iturria, nire asmoa dibulgatiboa baita. Viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010. MiƩrcoles, 20 de enero de 2010.
MiƩrcoles, 20 de enero de 2010. ZERGATIK? Egia da belauneko lotailua gehiago apurtzen dutela kirolari emakumezkoek kirolari gizonezkoek baino, eta zientzialariek aurkitu dute horren arrazoia. Emakumezkoen zangoak zuzenagoak dira, eta hori izan daiteke, hain zuzen ere, lesio gehiago izatearen errudun. Dena den, hipotesi ugari daude gai horren inguruan. Izan ere, menstruazio-zikloa ere erabili izan da emakumezkoen mota horretako lesioen maiztasun handiagoa azaltzeko.
Sunday, 16 November 2014. Add this to my general depression and you have one fucking stressed out Lexi. And tonight I have to continue the tradition of breaking the Passover kosher-ness with decidedly. Tuesday, 12 March 2013. Thursday, 10 May 2012. Wednesday, 12 January 2005. Ah, the crazy life I lead.