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Thursday, December 3, 2009. Friday, November 20, 2009. TEMPLATE FOR VM 2OO FINAL PAPER OUTLINE.
Friday, December 4, 2009. Jameson and a Postmodern Mona Lisa. Character in place of the woman strips the aura and adds a new type of aura- a more bland one since it has taken out the history that was once written into the original painting. By doing this the meaning is more impersonal. Postmodernism is into popular culture and the cartoon character shown looks similar to those on the hit television show. Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Even more exciting than that how.
Smelltu á ákveðinn líkamshluta til að fá upplýsingar. Skammtímaáhrif kannabis á miðtaugakerfi geta m. verið breytt skynjun, kvíði og geðrofseinkenni. Efnið getur valdið fíkn og eru fráhvarfseinkenni pirringur, kvíði og svefnleysi. Kannabis veldur auknum hjartslætti, hækkar blóðþrýsting í liggjandi stöðu og getur valdið réttstöðubundnu blóðþrýstingsfalli. Erfitt hefur reynst að sýna fram á bein tengls kannabis notkunar við lungnakrabbamein. Lýsing kemur hér fyrir kynfæri.
Sunday, December 20, 2009. And a group of children are rehearsing for their show of The Wizard of Oz. Thinking about the Indian children practicing The Wizard of Oz. Saturday, November 28, 2009.
Sunday, November 1, 2009. Approach to an image vs a Practices of Looking. To the act of a viewer. The title implicates that the book is going to highlight concepts of. Thus placing its weight on the idea of viewers, lookers, the people observing the media. The keyword in Chapter Two of. The human viewer, to come to my own personal conclusions.