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Jurnalul unei fiinte greu de inteles. Every girl has that one guy she goes back to, heartbreak after heartbreak and nobody knows why, not even her. Luni, 21 mai 2012. Ma abtin sa nu plang, si ma doare gatul de la efort. Respir greu si stiu ca e doar inceputul. Mi-e dor de ceva, si nici nu stiu de cine anume. Cred ca imi lipsesc prietenii, imi lipseste mama, imi lipseste copilaria.
The Hackers Guide to Music Production. First of all, I want you all to know that I am humbled by the enthusiasm that I have been met by from all of you! This mail is to tell you all that I have rearranged the seminar, in the light of all the applications that I have received.
This is a way to keep family in WV up to date on day to day happenings in the Meade household. Friday, January 23, 2009. I am so upset right now. My dad is going to be the death of me before it is over with. He is not in the wrong, all of us are. Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Thursday, January 8, 2009. Wednesday, January 7, 2009. Anyway, we did .
Ochii ma usturau de atata plans,dar lacrimile nu voiau sa inceteze. Tradarea lui Rahl ma facea sa-mi doresc moartea. Cum am putut fii atat de proasta,incat sa nu-mi treaca prin minte c-ar putea sa-mi vrea puterea? Cum de nu m-am gandit la asta? Am fost prea preocupata de frumusetea lui. Care s-a dovedit a fi o mare farsa! Pur si simplu,de ce? Nu trebuia sa accept nicioada sa raman aici! Nu te pot ajuta.