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Date Range
I know this comes abit too late. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Well, I was busy with work, catching up with friends, etc etc. My new plans for this year is to explore this part of the world and I will kick start my travels later this month. Meanwhile, I will finish up all my post on my Europa trip. At Tuesday, January 18, 2011.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Lupa sebenarnya nak blog pasal bday Amsyar. nanti bila ada masa and kesempatan akan blogkan pasal bday Amsyar ini. Tapi saya tak janji tau. Latest update, pindah office lagi. Office baru ini semua adalah see thru. So no more korek-korek idung and garuk-garuk tak bertempat yea lalalalaa. bilik bos pun dah macam dalam aquarium. Hahahaahahaaa ada berani? Wednesday, January 29, 2014. Thursday, January 2, 2014.
Sunday, April 20, 2008. Mentega untuk disapu pd roti. Perasakan dengan garam atau serbuk lada hitam. Campurkan dengan mayonis dan kacau rata. Sapukan roti dengan mentega dan ratakan adunan telur di atas roti. Aturkan hirisan timun atau tomato. Lapik dengan sekeping roti lagi. Potong mengikut bentuk yang disukai. Tuesday, April 15, 2008.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009. Usually the belly goes down. Well, packing on the miles just isnt helping anymore these days. It seems like no matter what I do this belly just keeps getting bigger. I think if I had done the biggest loser, I would have been the only one going in reverse. I am having to start winding down my runs. They are ever more frequently becoming walks. the lungs are shrinking as this thing inside me keeps on growing. Here is a pic to keep you up to date.
Viernes, 30 de enero de 2009. Matriz de competencias del docente de educación básica. Matriz de competencias del docente de educación básica. 1 Relación de aprender a aprender con el problema de las competencias. Aprender a aprender implica un reto, competencias es una habilidad, conocimientos que se va a desarrollar y servirá para el futuro. 2 Relación de los otros tres pilares con las competencias.