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Linux is now a standard corporate platform with users numbering in the hundreds of millions, and there is a definite shortage of talented administrators. Set up a stand-alone Linux server.
Migrate legacy networks to a Windows Server. Configure ADDS, User Services, DNS, DHCP, and IIS7. Set up the Network and Build Network Infrastructure Servers. Use Server Core to run the Hyper-V role on host servers. Design user and computer Group Policy strategies, network delegation rights, and OU strategies. Manage file, print, application, terminal, Web, and collaboration servers as virtual service offerings. Rely on the most up-to-date task list to create.
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Migrate legacy networks to a Windows Server. Configure ADDS, User Services, DNS, DHCP, and IIS7. Set up the Network and Build Network Infrastructure Servers. Use Server Core to run the Hyper-V role on host servers. Design user and computer Group Policy strategies, network delegation rights, and OU strategies. Manage file, print, application, terminal, Web, and collaboration servers as virtual service offerings. Rely on the most up-to-date task list to create.
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