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Upgrade to paid account! School of Seven Bells. One hundred things; intro. In an effort to be more present around here and to use LJ as more than just a diary or place for fandom stuff, my topic is going to be one hundred memorable life experiences. Take the 100 Things challenge! Me myself and i. An entire day with nothing to d.
Exploring Paris one blog at a time. Guide for visitors to Paris. Life on the rue du Ranelagh. By the time you read this, we will have returned from Paris, where we spent Christmas. Friends had graciously given us the use of an apartment on the boulevard Suchet in the 16th arrondissement. Rue du Ranelagh would never make it onto a short list for the Only Stree.
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Genüsslich, wirksam, wissenschaftlich fundiert. Sylvia Becker-Pröbstel, Bad Vilbel.
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