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My fun animal facts on birds, camels, cheetahs, dogs, elephants, horses, lions, monkeys, moose, rabbits, sheep, snakes, tigers, turtles, zebras, and hundreds of other animal facts. Tuesday, October 29, 2013. Dinosaurs became extinct approximately 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs first appeared approximately 230 million years ago. Thursday, May 2, 2013. They consume both plants and meat. There are over 20 billion chickens in the world. Sunday, April 14, 2013. Tuesday, May 15, 2012.
My fun and useless trivia and facts on all topics. Cars, food, money, music, space, science, time, typing, words, work, world, and more. Cartoon and TV show trivia from all decades. Thursday, January 23, 2014. The Cosby Show - trivia 16. The Cosby Show - trivia 15.
Word games on guessing words, spelling words, and unscrambling words. Math games on addition, division, and all measurements. Time games with 24 hour time and many more. Saturday, March 2, 2013. Check comments for the answers. Thursday, July 28, 2011.
My digital photography of the Montauk Point Lighthouse in Montauk, New York. Pictures and videos of the Atlantic Ocean, beach, seagulls, and the Montauk Point Lighthouse area. Sunday, July 29, 2012. A cloudy and foggy ocean view. Thursday, July 22, 2010. This is a close view of a seagull. This is a seagull I saw on the beach near the water. He is in the center of the picture. This is the Atlantic Ocean and beach area. A nice view over the trees and brush. Wednesday, July 21, 2010. Tuesday, July 20, 2010.
My senseless sense on all topics. Senseless things on computers, food, jobs, money, movies, people, pictures, politics, remotes, taxes, and hundreds of other things that make no sense. Thursday, January 2, 2014.
My digital sky photography of clear sunny skies to very cloudy weather here in New York. Cloudy, partly cloudy, snowy, storm, sunrises, sunsets, Moon, and other sky photography. Tuesday, October 23, 2012. A big pink cloud near sunrise. Morning sunrise with some pink clouds. Friday, September 21, 2012. An early morning Sun behind clouds. An early morning sky with some clouds. Sunday, September 16, 2012. A bright Sun is behind the clouds. A few different colors of clouds here today.
My word scrambles on all topics. Word scrambles on animals, cars, colors, drinks, food, music, seasons, states, trees, universe, weather, and hundreds of other word scrambles. Thursday, October 10, 2013. Check comments for the answers. Check comments for the answers. Check comments for the answers. Check comments for the answers.
Fun dice games for one or more players using a set of dice. Birthday dice roll, five digit match, four digit match, three digit match, six even numbers, and other fun dice games. Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The lowest roll goes first. A 2 is the lowest roll. If a tie, both players roll again.
Fun outdoor games for one or more players. Games can be played with a basketball and hoop, soccer ball and net and more. Score in five minutes, and other fun outdoor games. Tuesday, July 10, 2012.
Ways to make a difference in the world and help other people. Cooking, cleaning, clothing, donations, lending, teaching, work, and other ways you can make a difference in the world. Saturday, May 9, 2015. Let people cross at street crossings. Let people cross at street crossings to prevent accidents. Thursday, July 18, 2013. This will save many trees. Sunday, November 4, 2012.
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