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You can view my works and projects on the above mentioned site. I will continue posting here as well, just not so often so please feel free to explore both links! Thank you and take care! Go to new site! Posted by Dragos-Radu Dumitrescu. Saturday, 25 January 2014. Lacul Vacaresti, Bucuresti, 2014. Thursday, 5 December 2013. Near the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, 2013.
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Prin masaj intelegem, prelucrarea metodica si sistematica a partilor corpului uman prin mijloace manuale sau cu ajutorul unor instrumente cu scopul intretinerii sanatatii si bunei functionari a organismului, pentru prevenirea unor tulburari functionale si chiar pentru tratarea unor afectiuni organice si functionale, a unor traumatisme, a recuperarii unor schele postreumatice. Este o metoda de baza in medicina recuperatorie, sportiva si preventiva.
Part-Time Faculty, Research Fellow. 2140 rue Bishop, annex A, Montréal, QC, H3G 3E9, Canada. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION AND RESEARCH. Pre-Nicene Christology in Paschal Contexts.