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Dare to dream, dare to live. Saturday, February 09, 2013. Hope this finds you well. The past month, as some of you who read my facebook posts know, has been one of the most emotional months so far since I got here. I think I cried more in the past few weeks than I have in a really long time.
În primul rând îţi mărturisesc că scriu gândindu-mă la Oscar! Da, la copilul de zece ani, bolnav de cancer, care a reuşit să înveţe în cel mai scurt timp posibil să guste câte puţin din fiecare sentiment şi încercare a vieţii. De ce nu m-ai lăsat şi pe mine între primele pagini ale romanului lui Schmitt? Mi-ar fi plăcut acolo! Măcar la sfârşit aş fi avut încrederea că nu am trăit degeaba.
This content is password protected. Enter your password to view comments. I woke up this morning to a very tired me. Slept at 3, awaken at 6am. Lord, thank you for answering prayers.
Chopping the world up into managable chunks of blog. A Guide To Surviving British Winter. Sennen Cove pictured in 2013 being hit by 200 foot waves. The accumulative affects of these various wintery bombardments is one of abject depression. Living through a British winter is like liquidating the music of self-harm advocate and professional sad-man Morrissey and injecting it into your bloodstr.
Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. Visualizza il mio profilo completo.