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Wildstar Discovery Maps by Zone. How To Make Enough Gold to Purchase WoW Tokens.
A meandering, lazy, thoughtless blog about World of Warcraft from a raiding main spec shadow priest with an army of alts. Posts about raiding, general WoW-ery, and the winners and losers in LFD to follow . Thursday, October 14, 2010. Shadow priesting 101 - Patch 4. Inner Fire no longer has charges - just buff and go for 30 minutes. No more spirit buff! Shadow Weaving is gone - we no longer have .
Tuesday, June 2, 2015. BE THERE ALL DAY SO I COULD SPEND TIME WITH THEM TOO. First Day of Main Event. I wait in hour long lines.
Frost is The New Black. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish. The Most Expensive Post On The Blog. Kill It With Fire! Sad Tank Is Sad. So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.
Because all the best people hang out on lawns. Raid frames are even less legible than party frames, mostly useless for h.
A blog to collect random info about the World of Warcraft Death Knight class. Thursday, 30 April 2015. Off topic, but I have started a new blog called Cloud and Tech. Where I will be posting about Cloud computing and various tech items of interest to me! Thursday, 12 January 2012. Be Evil In Star Wars. Seeking some evil combat, DK style, I have gone off to a galaxy far far away. So enjoy WoW, I may be back to make a Kung Fu Panda, maybe not.
On the hunt for insight! April 13, 2010. Spring break was crazy busy for all the right reasons, then after that I had a ton of midterms not to mention crazy hours at work.
The hour is almost upon us. Worgen will go live in less than 72 hours. Will be available immediately as Cataclysm drops. No new Moonkin form or travel form.
Sunday, August 15, 2010. Taurens make the best rogues. You never see one coming. This post is sponsored by my sincere wish that some day Blizzard will allow shamans to be played by humans or night elves. Thursday, August 12, 2010. Wrath of the lich king. Monday, August 9, 2010. LFM VoA10 class run, pst ROLE. Tuesday, July 27, 2010. A picture tells a thousand words. Monday, July 26, 2010.
All About the Gold Cap. The in-game maximum amount of currency that a single toon can have is 214,748 Gold, 36 Silver and 46 Copper. The gold cap is specific to one toon and not to an account. You can exceed the cap by spreading the currency amongst your alts. The guild bank gold cap is higher than the personal gold cap.
Sunday, August 30, 2020. PvP is an art in any MMO game. Join with others that love to pwn the Alliance and take control of the BGrounds. Are you not tired of entering a Zone and see that everyone is unorganized? Or that the person they are listening to is not playing the same game as you? Again, tired of loosing? Are you ready. Ready for something a little more intense, and a whole lot more fun? We CAN have the numbers, it CAN be done. Like fight club, if it is your first nigh.
DKD Electric has been shaping the surrounding communities by providing quality commercial and industrial electrical contracting services. The relationships we have built with customers, vendors and subcontractors are a product of four decades of trust and integrity.
Wanneer moet u een dierenarts uit bed bellen. Myxomatose, RHD 1 en RHD 2 Meer. Goed nieuws voor de katteneigenaar Meer. Een kliniek voor kleine huisdieren, waar het belang van. Bij een vaccinatie voeren wij. Door onze ruime openingstijden is het voor iedereen mogelijk een tijdstip te vinden waarop u met uw huisdier kunt langskomen. Daarnaast is het ook mogelijk dat de arts bij u thuis komt.
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