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Saturday, August 30, 2014. I wanted to let you know this blog will not be being used anymore. I will keep it up. The link for that is here. Love to all, ERI OUT. Thursday, February 13, 2014.
They that wait upon the LORD. Running is not my forte. Neither is finishing what I start. Or pushing myself when the going gets tough. In fact, for two years, running was the bane of my fairly inactive existence. I ran because the rest of my family was running, and was, therefore, something we could do together. Or, in my case, something we could commiserate over when we were finally home and showered.
Départ le samedi 2 mai 2015 à 15h à la Ferme Auberge du Glasborn-Linge. Le reportage photo et vidéo. Les photographies du 1er Trail du Hohrodberg sont disponibles. Ainsi que la vidéo! Trail du Hohrodberg 2015. Emmanuel Allenbach, déjà vainqueur de la dernière Grimpée du Hohrodberg en 2014.
Humberside Occupational Health and Safety Group. You can find out how other companies in the Humberside region comply with their Health and Safety responsibilities by coming to our meetings. And as a member you have access to all HOHSG documents, minutes and presentations. However, you get so much more from attending the meetings and seminars and talking to the topic presenters and other members of the group.
2015 haben alle Klassen den jährlichen Fototermin. Kleinere Änderungen sind aber noch möglich, Ergänzungen gewiss! Durften wir am Donnerstag bei bestem Wetter auf dem Schulhof der Hohwart-Grundschule begrüßen und im Rahmen einer kleinen Einschulungsfeier in unsere Reihen aufnehmen. Anschließend ging es dann mit den Klassenlehrerinnen.
Thursday, November 3, 2011. Ok this is so yum. 3-5 chicken breasts, cooked, cubed. Cooked baby or sliced carrots. 1 can cream of chicken soup. 1 can cream of celery soup. Can add some sauteed celery if you like. 1 mix together all ingredients, pour into 9x13. 2 top with 2 cans biscuits, I like the flaky ones.
Muoviset pumpputoimiset paintball-merkkaimet ovat todella kevyitä ja yksinkertaisia käyttää. Merkkaimet käyttävät puolet pienempää kuulaa kuin perinteinen paintball. Kuulan väri on vesiliukoista ja ympäristölle vaaratonta. Merkkaimien kuulan lähtönopeus on murto-osa perinteisestä paintballista. Pallon keveyden ja lähtönopeuden myötä osumatuntemus on lapsille sopiva. 10 kpl kasvot ja korvat peittävää suojamaskia.