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Today I decided I need to start writing on my blog again.
Moments, Meditations, and Milestones. Saturday, November 9, 2013. The rest of the story. This scary pirate got his two front teeth knocked out. His hunting partner texted this to me, now I see why we got nothing this year! Posted by The M Family. Periwinkle the fairy, Raggedy Ann, and a ladybug. Posted by The M Family. Sunday, May 19, 2013.
CLICK HERE FOR THOUSANDS OF FREE BLOGGER TEMPLATES. Surround yourself with things you love. Saturday, September 06, 2008. Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Kaden got the chance to ride the neighbors horse while we were visiting Nana and Papa in Prineville. One of our first stops along the way was at this great blow hole area. It was a bit of a hike down to it in slippery sandals on very sharp rocks, but so worth it.
Life is an adventure ride it to the end and take lots of good pictures. Monday, February 22, 2010. The Many Faces of Emma! They say that the first baby gets all the pictures and by the second and third parents stop taking pictures, but I will probably prove them wrong I just love taking pictures and when the subject is this cute how can you resist. Here is just a bunch of random pics of Emma from the last couple months since I have fallen behind.
Segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008. Estamos na casinha de sempre. Se preferirem deixem aqui no blog. todos os dias passo por cá. Estamos na casinha de sempre mas com novo nome ht. Ver o meu perfil completo.
Jak oduczyć dziecko jedzenia ze słoiczków? Bolesne zastoje, guzki. Waga łazienkowa - jaką wybrać? Od zapłodnienia do narodzin. Dieta na każdy trymestr ciąży. Ciążowe pułapki - kłopoty zdrowotne, które mogą przydarzyć się w ciąży. Dolegliwości, które może mieć kobieta w ciąży. Jak w ciąży radzić sobie z problemami dnia codziennego. Jak zmienia się Twoje ciało w ciąży. Kochać się w ciąży czy lepiej nie. Jak wygląda dzień z życia dziecka w Twoim brzuszku. Prawdy i mity o porodzie.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011. Summer has finally arrived! Max is off from school June through August so it has certainly thrown our routine for a loop. That group of preschoolers that would wear Max out? Nope, gone as well.
This has been happening for a while but today made it all official. We buried Tati like she was at the beach. We cleaned off the cars. While she was working, Chloe turned one car into a snow slide.
Ok, so I watched the Similac commercial that everyone seems to be talking about.