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在垂钓的时候 很孤独 很自由 我陪着我 探心灵水流 难说追寻可能一无所有 我还是执着追求 - 钓灵感. Thursday, December 21, 2017. Tuesday, September 26, 2017. Saturday, September 16, 2017. Monday, September 04, 2017. Saturday, March 18, 2017. Monday, February 27, 2017. When I think never mind try again next time, I also remember the painful past. Perhaps life is too dull if not having any challenges. Perhaps this is it for me.
Registered as a student at Sunway University on christmas eve. then daddy dropped me at pyramid to so called meet my friends. walked around for 4 hours alone because bi went to see his future. the person says he cant drive. all fortune tellers say the same thing. I miss him a lot.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010. I always plan before i start my revision. but seriously mood just will sway randomly by anything. hard to say that the plan end up well without any distraction. studied everything except for accounting. just hope my AS will pass. then will be my first succession in college life. and hell not gonna resit the paper again.
Thursday, December 31, 2009. My family and i spent a week in beijing. There is one word to describe beijing. We wore at least 5 layers of thick clothes and it was reli. Difficult to walk like usual. I was extremely excited when i was in the Bird Nest. It is the new landmark of Beijing after the Olympic was held. Beijing is a city combined from culture and modernisation.
衣装ダンス 婚礼タンス イス ソファー キャビネット 本棚 机 ロッカー ダイニングテーブル タンス ドレッサー 鏡 洗面台 洗面 流し台 フェンス 玄関ドア 窓 サッシ 仏壇. 自動車 自転車 バイク 原付バイク バッテリー 耕運機. 建材 建築廃材 ボイラー タンク ドラム缶. 浴槽 物置 納屋 古小屋 自動販売機 工場 作業所 作業場 事務所 オフィス 店舗 厨房. トタン 塩ビ 便器 グラス ワレモノ 陶器 服 書籍 マンガ 雑誌 段ボール 文房具 CD ゲーム機 着物 おもちゃ ぬいぐるみ 人形 健康器具 マッサージチェア 粗大ごみ 不燃ごみ 可燃ごみ 資源化ごみ 事業所ごみ等の処分 回収.
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