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Nemogoče, kar srce hoče, česar noče, pa dobi. Kmal mi bo vsega dost. K sm ta srednji hčeri 2 krat v dveh letih kuhala na mesni maščobi,se mi je odpovedala. Že cel teden ne govori,kar mi je rekla,je le to,naj no ne sprašujem,kako je,ker me to sploh ne briga. Ja,to je pa podn. Sem danes mojo srednjo hči poklicala po telefonu in vprašala,kako se ima danes,pa mi je zabrusila,da me to sploh ne briga. En član več,fino,a ne? Ne,saj to.
Lançamentos, curiosidades e vídeos que merecem ser relatados e indicados para pessoas que como eu adoram a sétima arte. Que resolvem adotar uma criança após perderem um bebê ainda não nascido. O filme, que ca.
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. Created by Kappa Delta Sorority. For all Women and Girls.
In this blog, I will post some writing that I have done. Some of them are writing after reading articles, while others are just random. This is for my class credits, but please do enjoy! View my complete profile.
Saturday, October 8, 2011. Picture this, you just got home from a nice day at the. what heck! How did cheerios got stuck to the celling? You must be asking your selves.