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Lower Mainland Chess Team Results. GM Hikaru Nakamura Simul vs. Are You Looking for Chess Information? Get Everything You Need Here For Chess.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012. The future of chess is FRC 960.
An unexamined life is not worth living. Saturday, August 1, 2015. Different online servers provide ability to download your games, which is useful if you want to analyse them yourself, add a game to your opening database, etc. From what I recall, PlayChess. Automatically stores all your games locally, which is convenient, unless you use several machines, I am not sure how it handles this case.
My blog about the game I love. Saturday, 18 June 2011. Frank Brady is perhaps uniquely placed to write with skill and authority about the enigmatic and controversial 11th World Chess Champion, Bobby Fischer. Brady had a close personal connection to Fischer, having first met the future world champion when he was a teen and Bobby still a child. What was Bobby Fischer really like? Question th.
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March 05, 2012 by Regina Lopez. I am not saying ALL mining is bad. Yes, it has a role to play in our society. But the current mining situation in the Philippines cannot continue as it is.
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