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Collimation really means ensuring the various pieces of the optical train are in line and square with each other. So, do all telescopes suffer, or does this affliction only occur in certain breeds? Refractors are the least likely to suffer and ac.
There are two main ways that the eye regulates the amount of light reaching the sensors in the retina. One is mechanical and is controlled by the opening and closing of the pupil from 2 to about 8mm, a factor of 16x, and as we age, the ability of the pupil to enlarge lessens. Techniques for Improving Viewing of Faint Astronomical Objects. To see the very faintest objects that we can, we must be completely dark adapted. To preserve dark adaption, a faint red light can .
It gives your picture a milky, snowy, curdled feel to it. However, there is a simple way to rid your picture of camera noise, and that is to take a Dark Frame, or better, take a series, at least 3, and average them.
To take long exposure photographs it is important to line up your telescope as accurately as possible, parallel with the line round which the Earth rotates, and the simplest way to do this is Drift Alignment. Go to your southern star. Within about half an hour of due south.
Flats help us to deal with gradients, which are variations in the light level of the background of our astrophotographs. The ideal is an even background where no part is darker or lighter than another by a very small amount, ie. The easiest way to deal with it is with flat frames. A flat frame is a photograph of a white evenly lit area, and what you should get of course is an evenly lit white frame, but instead, you get a frame that shows the vignetting your system suffers from, ie. It also has the centr.