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Just another apostate who is sinning, full of pride, and needlessly offended. So a woman went to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas and found a 3. She found it after praying to God, and so she named it the Hallelujah Diamond. God helped her find the diamond. A woman decided to go to a place where diamonds are known to be frequently found. And she found a diamond.
45; Mormon Expression Archive. 45; Adam Mormon Expression Archive. 45; My Account Page. Adam served as Host of Mormon Expression from January 2015 until September 2015. The best of Mormon Expression is currently being released weekly. The top 25 episodes of all time will be available with commentary free and on the itunes and other feeds.
A short report on the conference. Taraf de Haïdouks as Re-Gypsyfiers. Commentaries on any of the above. Held January 24-25, 2014 in Amsterdam.
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