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Welcome to our blog! This blog tells the story of our 22-month sailing journey from Oakland, California, to Bristol, Rhode Island, aboard our beloved Bristol 32 sailboat, Ute. Thanks! Thursday, October 11, 2007. In response to many requests for the Funny Monkey Attack video from our readership! Friday, September 07, 2007. Fat Lady Sings in Mystic. Yes a little sad to see her go? .
Today as we look back upon this emotional journey, we realized that the death of Snaily signified the death of our ecosystem. We want to honor his memory by incorporating the ecosystem into our classrooms. Challenges- It has an elaborate construction procedure. Making time to keep up with them could be a challenge. We also have to see if it is developmentally appropriate for all the students. Students would also have to have access.
Discovery Learning Project is increasing the use and effectiveness of inquiry-based methods in STEM undergraduate education by promoting the development of active learning course notes, course modules, laboratories and technology. We participate in a number of projects that instruct in-service and pre-service K - 12 STEM teachers in the development and implementation of discovery learning techniques.
El agua se esta haciendo un poco más sucia. El nivel del agua bajo aproximadamente 4 mililitros. Pensamos que es debido a la condensación que está ocurriendo; aparte hay gotas evaporadas en la parte adhesiva donde se cierra el ecosistema. Por ahora, el ecosistema sigue trabajando de una manera positiva, generando vida en las especies de la parte acuática. Los caracoles que teníamos originalmente an cambiado de color, y tambien ya no estan en la parte de arriba de la botella .
The elodea is turning brown and starting to fall apart. Large pieces float loosely around in the water. There is an empty snail shell floating around and not a lot of snail movement. The water looks a little dirtier with more things floating around in it.
Har blivit inspiread av Anna och Linnéa och har därför startat en fotoblogg. Här kan ni se vilka äventyr vi har hunnit med under sommaren.