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2018 Cowgirl Winery 25 Pilot Road, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 831. 25 Pilot Road, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 831.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018. Last weekend was the first Anytime Stitching Sewing retreat of the year. Leisa and Nancy do a great job organizing this twice a year. It was a great time. There are some extremely talented ladies in our group. Here a just a few of the great quilts people were working on. Quilt make for Charlie Elliot Center.
Změňme sebe, koně měnit nemusíme! Aktuálně 2. Onou silou, kterou hledáme, jsme my sami. Kdybych měla své dítě vychovávat znovu, vybudovala bych pro něho sebeúctu, a pak teprve dům. Prstem bych víc malovala a míň hrozila. Méně bych ho opravovala a víc si s ním hrála. Nedívala bych se na hodinky, ale prostě bych se dívala. Nestarala bych se o učení, ale prostě bych se starala. Chodila bych víc na procházku a pouštěla víc draků na provázku.
Ancestors are Woven in the Fabric. Clothes hanging on a line. The breath of ancestors twisting and turning the fabric. 40 years ago my mother and I washed clothes in a wringer washer. 40 years ago I hung wash on this line. Hanging clothes on a line with clothespins. The dust of the ancients mingling in the threads. The flesh and bone that swirls in the air.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Fun at the SAFE Show. Saturday Zippy and I went to a show put on by SAFE. I hung out most of the time with my friends from Cowgirl Spirit. For just over a month prior to the show and he did well, placing in several classes. Not bad for a horse with about 10 rides on him. And local artist, Shano.