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Despois da pasada Folga Xeral do 29 de Setembro de 2010, e da actitude do Goberno Español de continuar coas súas políticas neoliberais anti-obreiras que só respostan aos intereses da burguesía e das grandes corporacións multinacionais, torna-se necesario unha nova Folga Xeral . Sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011. Galería Fotográfica da Manifestación en Ferrol - Folga Xeral Galega do 27 de Xaneiro de 2011. Interesante reportaxen fotográfica, do compañeiro Suso Pazos.
Central Obreira Galega - COG. Confederación Intersindical Galega - CIG. Confederación Unitaria de Traballadores - CUT. Confederación Xeral do Traballo en Galicia - CGT. Unión Xeral de Traballadores en Galicia - UGT. Unión Sindical de Traballadores Galegos - USTG. Asociación Internacional dos Traballadores - AIT. Confederación Sindical Internacional - CSI. Federación Sindical Mundial - FSM.
Miles de persoas manifestaron-se en Ferrol polo Emprego, pola Ría, polo Sector Naval, pola Sanidade Pública, polo Ensino Público . Pasadas as 12 do mediodía miles de persoas saían do Inferniño á altura da confluencia entre a estrada de Castela e a Avenida das Pías.
26 de jan de 2014. 25 de jan de 2014. Aos camaradas de FORXA! Que hoxe se incorporan ao noso Partido,. 23 de jan de 2014. 21 de jan de 2014. 17 de jan de 2014.
Exactly How Do You Create A Genuine Money-Making Internet Business? This site reveals how to create an authentic money-making online business. In the shortest possible time. Don Coggan here with a big warm welcome to my site! In 1981, I started providing results-oriented engineering services throughout the US, Canada and internationally to private and public sectors clients.
The end of life as we know it,. Where the end is for me,. Depending on where I am. With GOD, can only be the. Beginning of a new level of. How many levels of life is there? Only GOD knows that answer! Each level to me. A new begining from that level. What makes our minds tick,. Is it in life that we find ourselves,.
Welcome to the Coggan Family Aquatic Complex. The Coggan Family Aquatic Complex is a PUBLIC. Click here to learn about upcoming events, classes, and pool hours. Click below to learn about our swim classes for all levels of swimmers.
More Waffle Than A Birds Eye Warehouse. Wednesday, 13 February 2013. This may well come as somewhat of a surprise to those shit givers religiously patient enough to wait for this to appear. Thursday, 16 August 2012. First on comes an irri.