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INTENTAREM FER-VOS ARRIBAR TOTA LA INFORMACIO DEL NOSTRE EQUIP. Esta setmana hem començat els entrenamets i el dissabte juguem el nostre primer partit de pretemporada. Ho hem contra el Ibense F. als sopars! Enlaces a esta entrada. Escola futbol sala athletic mutxamel.
Lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011. ORIHUELA FS 3 - 3 CD FENIX DOLORES. Lunes, 18 de abril de 2011. CD FENIX DOLORES 4 - 3 ATH. Lunes, 11 de abril de 2011. PINOSO ATHLETIC 1 - 3 CD FENIX DOLORES. Viernes, 8 de abril de 2011.
Foto de las plantillas oficiales del Primer Equipo y Juvenil 2010-11. El Monóvar Fútbol-Sala vuelve a la carga.
Lunes, 4 de abril de 2011. Gran partido el jugado el sabado por parte de los dos equipos que yo creo que se decidio en los 10 primeros minutos que fueron buenisimos. y por eso en el minuto 10 ibamos 2-0.
Miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015. Este Dissabte dia 20, es disputarà en el Poliesportiu Municipal de Tibi la IV Edicio del Torneig de Futbol Sala. I amb equips de les localitats de San Joan, Ibi, Busot i Tibi.
Divide Your Strength and Power Training. If your goal is to jump higher. The Greek study found that individuals who performed separate power workouts gained more.
2 Find Sales and Promos! Welcome to the AthleticPets Blog. When is your favorite team hosting a dog day in the ballpark in 2014? Most of the MLB teams are offering at least one day at the park with your best friend and Pittsburgh Pirates have 9 days! If we missed anything, let us know in the comments below! Bark in the Park. Sunday, June 22, 2014.
1,5 km Kids Run. 1 - 2 km Abrona Loop. 5 km door Het Lint. Kids Run 1,5 km. Titus Kirwa Komen winnaar 15 mei 2015. Beatrice Cherono nestelde zich achter winnares Veerle Dejaeghere op de tweede plaats. Ruim 2500 totaal aan deelnemers. De doelstelling van de Stichti.
By the time we got to the hotel it was midnight and we had been traveling for over 24hrs. I short stand off with Kate and the check in clerk and we had 2 separate beds notnone single, I didnt care as I had called big spoon. We woke up 7 hrs later feeling okay and were off to breakfast. Gerry and Erik were in the lobby chatting with the friends they have made already. They showed us a lovely picture of us sleeping as we had forgot to lock our door. Met Iman the Nepalese riding Gerry and Erik had befriende.