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Saturday, March 26, 2011. Time has definitely passed on. Every time I returned, there would be a time lapse of 8 years. How grandparents, aunties and uncles aged and how cousins grew so tall so quickly. China has changed at such a breathtaking pace that the old china I once knew and left behind as a 9 year ol.
What the FucK is going on? Awesome Inc.
Monday, June 28, 2010. Friday, June 25, 2010. Retail therapy with ahju laopo soon. Sunday, June 20, 2010. new interns, please come soon! I wanna buy new clothes! No clothes, no clothes to wear.
A site for me to share my tech ventures on. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Though I have completed all the hardware of my IoT chess board. This entry was posted in Uncategorized.
鍏充簬鍏 ず瀛 绔炶禌鑾峰 鍚嶅崟鐨勯 氱煡. 014骞村湪涓 浗绉戝崗鍙婂叾涓嬪睘瀛 細鎵 涓诲姙鐨勫叏鍥介潚灏戝勾绉戞妧绔炶禌銆佸 绉戠珵璧涙椿鍔ㄤ腑鑾峰 鐨勫 鐢熷悕鍗曪紝浠ュ強鍙備笌寰 骞寸珵璧涜幏濂栦笖褰撳墠涓哄簲灞婇珮涓夋瘯涓氱敓鐨勫 鐢熷悕鍗曘? 瀛 牎銆佸 鐢熸垨瀹堕暱濡傛灉瀵瑰悕鍗曟湁浠讳綍鐤戣 锛岃 浜庡叕绀烘湡闂达紝閫氳繃浼犵湡鏂瑰紡涓 浗绉戝崗闈掑皯骞寸 鎶 涓 績鑱旂郴锛屽苟鍦ㄤ紶鐪熶笂璇存槑鎰忚 鍙婄暀涓嬭仈绯绘柟寮忋? 澹版槑锛氭湰缃戠珯鍏 ず鍐呭 涓嶅緱杞 浇锛? 鍏ㄥ浗闈掑皯骞寸 鎶 绔炶禌鑾峰 鍚嶅崟. 2015骞村浗闄呯敓鐗 濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠绔炶禌鍥藉 闆嗚 闃? 2015骞村浗闄呬俊鎭 濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠绔炶禌鍥藉 闆嗚 闃? 2014骞村浗闄呬俊鎭 濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠绔炶禌鍥藉 闆嗚 闃? 4灞娾 滄槑澶 皬灏忕 瀛 鈥濆 鍔辨椿鍔 紙2014骞达級. 5灞婂浗闄呯 瀛 笌宸ョ 澶у 璧涳紙2014骞达級.
Just wanna say that life is short.