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Ahir vaig fer un descuit imperdonable. Volia demanar un aplaudiment per la gent que ha fet possible el vídeo de finals de curs.
La companyia Obskené presenta aquest espectacle dirigit per Ricard Soler. Una comèdia àcida i hilarant, un diàleg entre el nord i el sud, entre els somnis i la realitat. Dimecres, 1 de febrer de 2012. Estamos en el Teatre de Ponent de Granollers! Viernes 3 y sábado 4 de febrero a las 21hrs. Domingo 5 de febrero a las 19hrs. Dimecres, 29 de juny de 2011. Qui és Buenos Aires? .
A New Theory for the Creation of Matter in the Universe. 1 Introduction to the Principle of Circlon Synchronicity. The fundamental assumption of Circlon Synchronicity is that protons and electrons exist permanently in the universe and that they are exactly what we measure them to be. 3 The Principle of Circlon Synchronicity. When we measure gravity, the only thing that can be positively verified is that, here on the surface of the earth, gravity is an extremely .
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Miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012. Cap a la Fira de Titelles de Lleida! Durant el proper cap de setmana estarem representant Maiurta a la Fira de Titelles de Lleida. Viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012.
What the Heck is a Circlotron? A Circlotron is a vacuum tube power amplifier with an unusual push-pull output stage. Rather than alternately driving halves of an output transformer primary whose center-tap is connected to B , a Circlotron drives the entire primary from a floating bridge.
Circlum Farmasia Oy tuo maahan luontaislääkkeitä kuten homeopaattisia ja antroposofisia valmisteita, lisäravinteita ja muita terveys- ja hyvinvointituotteita. Farmasia, sekä verkkokauppa www. Kasvirohdoksilla on hoidettu terveyttä ja sairauksia aina viime vuosisada.