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Monday, April 8, 2013. I was at the very end of my last brew day and cleaning up all of my equipment when I shattered my floating glass thermometer. This is the second one I have shattered in 3 years and I always worry about breaking it off in a mash or in a kettle. I was also a little suspect of the accuracy. Besides the floating glass, I also own a CDN ProAccurate Digital Thermometer. I also had some water boiling. Based on my elevation and air pressu.
Att äta, dricka och överleva. Published 9 december, 2017. Julen sänker sig som en vörtdoftande gummifilt över Johanneshov och oss som bor här. Det är den tiden på året igen då jag dricker en öl som smakar av brödkryddor och syltade apelsinskal och sedan skriver om det. Det är bara något vi gör. 3 knäck av 5 möjliga. Published 1 december, 2017.
En dagbok över våra försök med hembryggning, öl vi provat och troligtvis mat vi ätit till den. Massiv uppdatering av hur bryggandet går vidare. Kanske inte så extremt hi-tech men stabilt. Sladden monterades med hopp om att den skulle funka. Med en rostfri bunke flytande på vörten kom den dessutom upp i ett rullande kok snabbare utan att behöva lägga ett DMS bevarande lock på. Lärde mig dessutom att vara försiktig med att mala.
Thursday, May 18, 2017. Starting off you have a couple ways to create a fast soured beer. Wednesday, February 1, 2017. For those of you .
Adventures of a belgian expat brewer. I studied biochemistry and brewery technology in Belgium, but circumstances took me to Sweden where I started working with medical biochemistry. In august 2009 I started brewing again as a hobby. My main interests are Belgian beer styles and yeast farming. Saccharolicious, the company! Pärlor för svin - Fabrikör Ekstedts betraktelser. Listor jag inte kommer skriva. The Mad Fermentationist - Homebrewing Blog. HBG2 är i Göteborg! .
Ola Dubh special 12 reserve av Harviestoun. En härligt välbalanserad krämig öl med mycket smak av choklad och körsbär, lite knäck och en del kaffe. Trevligt såhär när julen närmar sig. En riktigt malttung öl som man kan sitta och sippa på länge. Jag njuter den med en J. Tillsammans blir det lite söta marmeladtoner tillsammans med det rostade.
This is a site full of Random stuff.
This tumblr is specifically for big beautiful sexy women and men that love them. My Peggy Carter cosplay! The uniform is handmade uwu and the pins are vintage WWII. I love this cosplay more than myself. It would mean the world to me! Oct 1st, 2014. prepare yourselves for new photos because this shoot was amazing.
Friday, January 1, 2010. This is a list of the books currently in my possession for anyone who wishes to borrow them that goes to my school or anyone I deal with on a physical basis. Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zar.
If you need a more accessible version of this website, click this button on the right. Chubbuck, ID Chiropractor Chiropractor in Chubbuck, ID. 210 W Burnside Ave, Suite D. What is Chiropractic Massage Therapy? Benefits of Chiropractic Massage Therapy. Different Types of Massage Therapy. Providing Superior Health and Balance Through Chiropractic. Our purpose is to perfo.
1 Application by Allen Romriell for a change in Comprehensive Plan for medium density residential to mixed use at 5200 Mesquite. Councilman Kearns asks if storage units still have to go through conditional use process and Mr. Birch confirms that all plans will have to go through the conditional use process. 2 Application by Allen Romriell for change in land use zone for property at 5200 Mesquite.