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Wednesday, October 5, 2016. We are now nearing the end of 2016. How is that possible? My state of mind is at around 2009 to 2011 right now. Maybe that has got something to do with me digging through old email archives and finding old emails and chats. Also, Facebook memories are not helping either.
Thursday, August 21, 2008. I was told that my blog won an award. At least there was something. a lot of things happened this year actually. dont know where to start. But lets just talk a lil about my work. when i found out how they plan it.
Здобутки коледжу за 2016-2017 н. Вул Графа Львова, 28 Жмеринський р-н, Вінницька обл. Майстер-клас Шляхи удосконалення компетентнісно зорієнтованої системи роботи куратора групи. Зустріч ветеранів з керівниками району. 17 березня проведено День відкритих дверей.
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BIKING THE LOWCOUNTRY for Economic Justice for Hardworking Americans. On September 30th 2016, CHERNY completed 1,000 miles in 80 days riding his bike and towing his boat all over the 1st Congressional district to meet with and listen to his fellow Lowcountry citizens. What he learned is that ALL of us want our elected representatives in Washington to work on just five things. Click to watch the video. 1 GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS - STOP THE CORRUPTION.
Ольга Черных родилась и выросла на Украине. Работала и служила в рядах Вооруженных Сил РФ. Сюжеты ее книг полны романтики и приключений. Захватывающие события, мастерски закрученные интриги и герои, с которыми не хочется расставаться.