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Do you know what MLC is? MLC stands for Multimedia Learning Center. In MLC students can collect information and can skill up by using multimedia. There are DVDs about 3,200. We can study vocabularies and listening by enjoying watching movies. There are also has a big rooms to study in a group. MLC is placed next to library. MLC is useful to study more English so I recomend you to use it.
There are 61 Universities we can go to but I picked up Oxford University and University of Evansville. If you want to study abroad, it is important to search for universities by yourself! More information. Good Dessert Restaurants in Nagoya.
In this class, I learned making presentation and power point. When I did presentation first time, I was very nervous because I had never done such presentation. But I gradually got accustomed to speak in front of people and I could enjoy making presentation. I think this class was good opportunity to make my opinion and I could get little confidence in speaking. I think having good friends at university is very important be.
I will introduce about requirements and way of selection for double degree. Double degree is very useful system , but selection is done strictly too choose excellent students. The number of student for double degree is 13 and only 5 or under 5 students are chosen from Department of British and American studies. If you hope for double degree, you must be sophomore and over and you must score not less than 550 in the TOEFL.
My Reflection I learned many things from this clas. The Institution about Double Degree Program Double. The Institution about Double Degree Program. Double Degree Program is one of the ways to go to abroad in this university. Here is some blogs of my friends, Risako. Second I recommend CoCo No.
At first, I thought this class is difficult, because I could not use power point well and my English vocabulary was poor. Also, I was nervous in front of the audience. As doing the activity, I learned how to express my points easily and how to make nice slides little by little. To our regret, I think we did not work with our group member so often. I knew only their topic, but almost I did not know definite content that they prepared. Thank you very much friends and teacher. Double degree is a good system.
Enjoyed this course very much, although it was difficult for me to make PowerPoint Slide. I especially had difficulty in expressing my informations by Slide. What does everyone want to know about this theme? How should I do to understand easily for everyone? I thought many times. And I became to like to make Slide! Y best Slide is about history of chartres cathedral. That is my confidental work. I used many colores and pictures. I could do presentation for everyone that Iwas full of confident.
I will practice speaking more livery, and I want to do better presentation than before. Next, I will show you popular movie ranking in NUFS. It is the best 3 on November. I think you can find your favorite films.
The good point of this class is group work, because members could be friends. The bad point of this class is that time to make presentation is little. I wanted more time for presentation. I would like to be good English speaker. I introduce about studying in China for 4 weeks. If you want to join this trip, you have to need 8credits of Chinese. We commute to Beijing Foreign Studies University. We can learn Chinese medicine. A drawing in India ink.
I will talk about support of finding a job. For example, measures of mass communication, Airline programs and measures of public employee. Support of finding a job is mainly intended for student in the third and fourth. I will tell you about mainly Airline program. If you want to go on to Airline world, you ought to attend this program. First, you should decide a place of refuge.
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Have you ever watched movies in MLC? If you have not, you should go there. By the way, there are 5200 VHS and 3200 DVD. You can choose you want to watch one of them. I tell you three popular movies in MLC. The story happens on Christmas day. Man gets back his losing heart and travel the past, now and the future. I will talk about main six disaster goods. I will introduce you about Salon du Chocolat Paris.
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