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Vi prøver dette igjen da, dere. Hvor mange ganger har jeg egentlig skrevet et slikt type innlegg siden 2008? Eier jeg overhodet engasjement? Jeg tror faktisk få er mer engasjert enn meg når det er noe jeg interesserer meg eller bestemmer meg for. Ivrigheten kan bli litt meget i perioder, mener mannen jeg deler søppelbøtta med.
Fagblogg laget av Charlotte Dyrstad Kvie. Den astronomiske klokka i Praha. Den astronomiske klokka i Praha. mars reiste klassen vår på studietur til den fantastiske byen Praha. Som er hovedstaden i Tsjekkia. Vi var der i fem dager, og selv om det ikke høres så mye ut, kan jeg forsikre dere om at det var mer enn nok ettersom vi rakk å se og gjøre alt det vi hadde planlagt på forhånd. Jeg la spesielt merke til den astronomiske klokka.
Sunday, March 13, 2011. This story proves how fascinating is the mind of a six year old. A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to gather the building materials for his home.
Thursday, March 25, 2010. Our friends from Québec were visiting in the area with their twin boys. Charlotte had a good time with Alexis and Renaud. Terry with his hands full! Same party with my former classmates, and another baby Alexis. Charlotte looking very cool with shades and hat. Say goodbye to the soother though. The girls had lots of fun! July 2009 - vacation week. On Lake Nosbonsing witht the family.
Thursday, April 25, 2013. There is no place like home. Narrowing down my favorite images from my latest newborn session was next to impossible. In other words, I photographed Baby H and family in their everyday environment, at home. There is no question that baby H is already smitten with his momma.
A place for beautiful things handmade and other pleasures. I stumbled across her blog and fell instantly in love with her work, but her card like this stood out. I hope if she ever comes across this card, she appreciates my interpretation and I hope you like it as much as I do! I love the end result. I hope you do too! May 19, 2011.