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He was a prolific songwriter. He always was jotting down notes and keeping new tunings or verses in his head. He was tapping his fingers and harmonizing with the microwave beeps. He was and, still is a musician,to the very highest complement of the word. He wrote this blog after his students expressed an interest in the recording process.
As it turns out one of the key factors dictating my life is disunity. In order to conquer this I decided to start new; with a new blog and a clear definition of what will be there. There you will be able to keep track of my musical interests. Posted December 16, 2009. Posted October 26, 2009.
24mila chilometri di foreste, di campagne, di coste immerse in un mare miracoloso. Che dovrebbero coincidere con quello che io consiglierei al buon Dio. Di regalarci come Paradiso! Fabrizio de Andrè - 1996. Noi - i Sardi - gridiamo in coro. NO SCORIE NUCLEARI IN SARDEGNA! In principio era un sogno, fuggire da una realtà quotidiana così ricca di problemi. Costruirsi un mondo dove tutto.