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Here are some screen shots of what I would have like the room to look like if we have more time in the project. From talking with the rest of the group we said that we need to have came up with our ideas a lot quicker and planed out the storyboards before launching into maya. Thus have last problem to deal with later on in the project. Hopefully in future projects to come we will have learned from our mistakes and not be in the same situation again. Thursday, 29 November 2007.
Get your plans sorted before you do anything else. Dont take too much time. Decide on one idea and stick to it completely. Make sure everyone knows whats going on and what they have to do. I know this isnt good and I am quite dissapointed, but ultimatly its my fault. Haha as the file I am rendering is 200 mb! Saying that though, its all done now. We had another sdit down .
Profite de La vie Un Maximum. Je te donne mon amitié. Ma seule richesse est mon amitié. Elle est pour toi et moi. Un gage de bonne foi. BIENTOT CE BLOG DEVIENDRA UN BLOG DE MES.
Izbran datum je sobota in nedelja, 8. februarja 2014 - popoln datum, ki vam ne krajša niti počitnic. Natančneje v dvoranah Gimnazije Murska Sobota in Srednje poklicne in tehniške šole Murska Sobota na naslovu Šolsko naselje 12, 9000 Murska Sobota. Lani kavcija, letos simbolika. Znesek, ki ga mora posameznik poravnati za udeležbo znaša 5 v predprodaji in 10 na samem dogodku, zaradi slabše možnosti za predpripravo.
Termin dogodka je postavljen na soboto in nedeljo, 12. Kot poprej, v dvorani Gimnazije Murska Sobota in Srednje poklicne in tehniške šole Murska Sobota. Pri izvedbi dogodkov nastanejo tudi stroški - mi jih le pokrivamo. Dosegljivi smo vam za vse vrste vprašanj! .
EPICENTER LAN je naš največji. Stvari o dogodku, ki jih morate vedeti. december 2014, s pričetkom ob 10. Šolsko naselje 12, 9000 Murska Sobota. Po akcijski ceni 1,10 , do razprodaje zalog. V živo livestream vseh najpomembnejših tekem. 5 v predprodaji, 10 na dogodku. Društvo za elektronske športe - spid. si, Gimnazija Murska Sobota in Srednja poklicna in tehniška šola Murska Sobota.
Abonne-toi à mon blog! Si çA vOuS PlAi.