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Lookin for a good book? Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Explanations with the photos! My Mission call came! Then I went to the Temple. My dearest friend Leslie got her call to Helsinki, and headed off on her mission. Oh, by the way. Speaking Russian! I leave on December 4th.
Sunday, November 20, 2011. She had been waiting for so long to be baptized. It was a really spiritual meeting and she was adorable. We had lots of friends and family over for sandwiches afterwards. Grama and Grampa Knowlton and Aunt Sarah were able to come for the baptism and spend a few days with us. Friday, November 18, 2011. Maycee is now 8! Tuesday, November 15, 2011.
There is nothing more important to me than you. So that I could help others see how GREAT families can be. I love the gospel so much. And I love the mission. And I love YOU! Okay so we had a great week! So on Monday we went to the office for fingerprinting of my companion. We got home late and I threw up on the bus. She died four days ago. where is she? Luckily, we finishe.
You may not like what you find. Эх, чёрт, столько интересных вещей у меня годами лежит, и если раньше времени не хватало, то теперь, в добавок к этому, ещё и сил всё это обновлять нет. Пока что обновлю что есть, дальше буду думать и, надеюсь, это не затянется на годы.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015. So far, life as a family of four has been exhausting, wonderful, and full of love! We are slowly adjusting to the changes that a newborn brings, and slowly Maya is realizing the magic of sleeping at night and being awake during the day. She was kind enough to come to the hospital and get the first official photos of our family of four.
Saturday, November 29, 2014. So I figured I better get her birth story written down. Prepare for a novel and some very intimate pictures.
Перезвоните мне, хочу купить! 1 Оружие и доспехи. Купить меч на любую эпоху. Меч из Сконе с ножнами, каролинг на 11 век. Литая гарда и элементы ножен. Есть 1 готовый! Купить саблю или шашку на разные эпохи. Сабля Чечуга, на 16 век ножны. Наиболее надежный и красивый вариант защиты рук. Клепанка из 65Г закалка 35ед. Набор доспехов русского князя 14 века. Шлем Салад с цельным тыльником.