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For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. The Mother of All Swear Words. 1 How to Look at Art. Squint at it, flip it over, find the negative space, define the moment, re-construct it, let the artist guide your eyes, say what you see, use background knowledge, and THEN look at the label on the wall.
In a week I will be flying over the pond once again to come home. These last few weeks have been full of fun and refreshing times. It was so nice to spend Thanksgiving with them; to laugh, cry, pray, and worship together. I pray that it will not be another year before I see their sweet faces again! Many people have been asking me what my plans are after Christmas.
I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand; I shall not be moved. You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. I love Jesus because He first loved me. Thursday, 3 February 2011. Once Social Welfare, the Police and the hospital have made a decision we cannot do anything about it. We watched the mother and baby walk away.
Monday, January 5, 2009. We dressed Tupac up as a snowman. At Seacliff and Pierside Christmas Cruise. Justin, Me, and Jamie. Me, Tarrin, and Hillary. New Years was a blast. And what do you think we did there? Monday, December 22, 2008.
DaNs Ce SkYbLoG yA tOuT mEs PoToXxX mEs DéLiRs LeS cHoSeS kE jAiMe KoI! Si Sa Te PlAiS pAs No SoUcY Ta Ka PaS lE rEgArDeR tOuT sImPlEmEnT! POuR lEs CoMs De GaMiNs StYlE On InSuLtE MaIs On Se DéVoIlE PaS sA SeRt A rIeN De Se CaSsEr La TeTe A En MeTtRe CaR iLs SeRoNt EfFaCéS DoNc GaRdEz La PeChE! PoUr LeS aUtReS c EsT gRaTuIt LoL VoIlA sUr Ce.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007. So, continue the holiday adventure, Marcus, Audrey and I went up to Lake Tanganyika. It was pretty much a little isolated paradise for 4 days. Even the weather, which apparently had been non-stop raining for weeks held off and we actually got 3 sunny days to go snorkling, kayaking, hiking up to Colombo Falls on the Tanzanian border, and generally just enjoying the beach. The next morning was Christmas.