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Meredith a Jim sú u teba? Opýtala som sa, keď sme vystúpili. Ty si ich vyhodil? Prekvapene som sa opýtala. No mne na tom nič vtipné neprišlo. Ja včera, teda ve.
Be STRONG when things fall apart. You are as happy as you decide to be. Cuz I can love you more than this. Srdce mi bilo neuveriteľnou rýchlosťou. Ani pred najťažšou skúškou za celé štúdium som nebola taká nervózna. Nehnevajte sa na mňa za toto celé.
Ďalší deň počúvania chybných tónov mojich žiakov. Od dňa kedy sa ku mne Blair nasťahovala som sa na učenie nesústredil. Nepočítal som chyby, nekričal som a nedával im tak veľa domácich úloh. Len som sedel a počítal klávesy. Nikdy som ich nedopočítal pretože ma niekto alebo niečo vyrušilo. Žiaci sa striedali a hodiny plynuli až kým som sa neocitol na obede s hlavou v oblakoch.
Toto som už dlho nerobila, tak sa ospravedlňujem, ak som trošku zhrdzavela. Mitch the bitch je m ôj najobľúbenejší badboy zo všetkých. Jej, škola, kto sa teší? .
I have pinched this but its lovely, It was mentioned that Knol wished he had had a video camera instead of using a camera with a time laps, as the oil moves around the water in beautiful and unusual ways. This also applies to inks as I have learnt from my own previous experiments. The colours and textures are reflected in the focal imagery,. Loving his black and white work from his sketch books, he sketches allot always having images on the go.
Blogging slips of the tongue, parapraxes. Tells and misspeaks by public figureheads. The Shiniest of Two Turds.
Mar 25, 2015 books to love. I am the biggest fan of Julie Morstad, I have her books and have purchased a few of her prints. My throat got so tight at the end and tears came rolling down. After, I picked up the rest in the series, Where You Came From, and When you were Small. As a mom of boys, I love Henry. Sara and Julie together, capture the heart. Feb 4, 2015 Uncategorized.